Question bank
Chapter-1 Determiners
Q-1 Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstratives ( this, that, these, those).
(a) The librarian asked the boy if he wanted to borrow this book or _____ book.
(b) I like ______________ flowers, not these flowers.
(c) They wrote __________________ letters.
(d) Whom do the soldiers guard? __________________ people or those people.
(e) Is it __________________ house or that house which we visited the last me?
(f) He drives __________________ car, not this car.
(g) I speak __________________languages but not these languages.
(h) Do you like these colours or __________________ colours?
Q-2 Fill in the blanks with the possessives (his, her, my, our, their, your).
(a) She has broken _______________ leg.
(b) We gave them _______________ telephone number, and they gave us _______________.
(c) _______________ car is cheap.
(d) Reading will help you to improve _______________ vocabulary.
(e) They were asked to remove _______________ shoes before entering the building.
Q-3 Choose the correct determiners.
(a) Could you bring me (these / those) books I le in the garden?
(b) (A / The) sun rises from the east
(c) The doctor advised me to eat an apple (each / every) morning
(d) There aren't (much / many) students in the library.
(e) I haven't got (any / lile) pictures in my bedroom.
(f) She gave a cookie to (few / each) child.
(g) I've got to solve (some / few) maths problems before I go to sleep.
(h) (These / That) cherries are delicious!
Chapter-2 Verbs: the present tense
Q-1 Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form in the Present Continuous Tense.
(a) John ____________ (read) a book now.
(b) What ____________ (you do) tonight?
(c) Jack and Peter ____________ (work) late today.
(d) Shiva ____________ (not listen) to music.
(e) Maria ____________ (sit) next to Paul.
(f) How many other students ____________ (you study) with?
(g) The phone ____________ (not ring).
(h) Please call back as we ____________ (eat) dinner now.
Q-2 Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form in the Present Perfect Tense.
(a) Pankaj __________me an e-mail. (to send)
(b) Shilpa and Manna __________ the museum. (to visit)
(c) I __________ at the pet shop. (to be)
(d) They __________ already __________ their suitcases. (to pack)
(e) Sunil __________ an accident. (to have)
(f) We __________ the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)
(g) I __________ just __________my bike. (to clean)
(h) Rashmi __________ her room. (to paint)
Q-3 Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form in the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
(a) You ____________ (sleep) for twelve hours.
(b) I ____________ (not/work) today.
(c) You ____________ (eat) well recently.
(d) We ____________ (not/exercise) enough.
(e) She ____________ (not/study) seriously.
(f) They ____________ (live) here for very long.
(g) It ____________ (snow) in Shimla
(h) He ____________ (not/play) football for five years.
Chapter-3 Verbs: the past tense
Q-1 Fill in the blanks using the verbs given in the brackets in simple past tense.
(a) Last year I _______________ (go) to England on holiday.
(b) It _______________ (be) fantastic.
(c) We _______________ (not/do) our homework yesterday.
(d) In the mornings we _______________ (walk) in the streets of London.
(e) In the evenings we _______________ (go) to restaurant.
(f) The weather _______________ (be) strangely fine.
(g) It _______________ (not/rain) a lot.
Q-2 Use the verbs given in the brackets in past continuous tense to complete the sentences.
(a) John _______________ (play) tennis at 5 o'clock.
(b) He _______________ (use) the internet at 3 o'clock.
(c) We _______________ (not/watch) TV at 9 o'clock.
(d) You _______________ (cook) lunch at 8 o'clock.
(e) We _______________ (travel) to London at 6:30 o'clock.
(f) Prem _______________ (not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened.
(g) They _______________ (eat) chocolate at three 1 o'clock.
(h) Ruby _______________ (read) at 2 o'clock.
Q-3 Use the verbs given in the brackets in past perfect continuous tense to complete the sentences.
(a) We ________________ (sleep) for 12 hours when he woke us up.
(b) They ________________ (wait) at the staon for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.
(c) We ________________ (look for) her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom.
(d) I ________________ (not/walk) for a long me, when it suddenly began to rain.
(e) How long ________________ (learn/she) English before she went to London?
(f) Frank caught the flu because he ________________ (sing) in the rain too long.
(g) He ________________ (drive) less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.
Chapter-4 Verbs: the future tense
Q-1 Fill in the blanks using the verbs given in the brackets in future continuous tense.
(a) Rakhi _________________ to the party on Saturday. (to come)
(b) We _________________ him tomorrow. (to meet)
(c) This me next week he _________________ to South Africa. (to fly)
(d) At 6 o'clock on Friday they _________________ the new song. (to sing)
(e) It _________________when I reach Bangkok. (to rain/probably)
(f) Tomorrow at nine I _________________ a test. (to write)
(g) Andy _________________ a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch)
(h) You _________________ pizza soon. (to eat)
Q-2 Fill in the blanks using the verbs given in the brackets in simple future and future continuous tense.
(a) Dad thinks it _________________ today.
(b) This me next month Robin _________________ squash.
(c) Remember, tomorrow at noon I _________________ an examinaon.
(d) Our children _____________ holidays.
(e) David _____________ a sales report on Friday evening.
(f) I've run 10 kilometres. I'm so sweaty. I _____________ a shower.
(g) Waiter, this spoon is dirty. Oh, I'm sorry, I _____________ you a new one.
Q-3 Use the verbs given in the brackets in future perfect tense.
(a) Anand _______________ her bike next week.
(b) We _______________ the washing by 8 o'clock.
(c) She _______________ Paris by the end of next year.
(d) I _______________ this by 6 o'clock.
(e) Sam _______________ by next week.
(f) She _______________ this with her mother tonight.
(g) The police _______________ the driver.
(h) They _______________ their essay by tomorrow.
Q-4 Fill in the blanks using the verbs given in the brackets in future perfect continuous tense.
(a) By the end of the month I ______________ (live) in this town for ten years.
(b) By the end of this week we ______________(work) on the project for a month.
(c) They ______________ (wait) for the president for five hours
(d) By 10 o'clock she ______________ (watch) TV for 4 hours
(e) She ______________ (sleep) for 10 hours by 11 o'clock.
(f) We ______________ (look for) him for 40 days by next Saturday.
(g) By July the fih they ______________ (study) English for 3 years.
Chapter-5 Modals
Q-1 Insert 'shall' or 'will' in the blank to complete each sentence
(a) ____________ the messenger wait for the reply?
(b) ____________ I carry this bag for you?
(c) He ____________ be talking all the me without doing anything
(d) This machine ____________work well without giving you any trouble.
(e) ____________ you give me your dictionary?
(f) ____________ you be kind enough to lend me your car?
(g) On receipt of this leer you ____________ leave for Mumbai at once
Q-2 Use 'can', 'could' or 'be able to' to fill in each blank.
(a) _______________ he understand what you were talking about?
(b) My sister _______________ play tennis now.
(c) I _______________walk when I was less than a year old.
(d) (Polite) _______________ you tell me what me it is, please?
(e) My grandfather _______________walk without any help last night.
(f) I would like to _______________ play the piano.
Q-3 Use 'must', 'have to' or 'had to' to fill in each blank.
(a) Yesterday I ____________ finish my Geography project.
(b) She will ____________wait in line like everyone else.
(c) All employees ____________ on me for work.
(d) We ____________ stop the ways of environmental polluon.
(e) If you are under 13, you ____________ to get your parents' permission
(f) Your daughter may ____________ try on a few different sizes.
(g) The doctor ____________ get here as soon as he can.
Q-4 Read the inial sentences and then insert 'should' or 'ought to' in each blank accordingly.
(a) I'm hungry. You ___________ eat something.
(b) I'm cold. You ___________ put on your coat
(c) I have a toothache. You ___________ go to the denst.
(d) I have the hiccups. What should I do? You ___________ control your breathing
(e) I left my sunglasses at a restaurant yesterday. What should I do? You ___________ phone immediately to the restaurant manager.
(f) I'm hot. You ___________ to drink something fresh.
Chapter-6 Conditionals
Q-1 Use the verbs given in the brackets in real conditional.
(a) If Mary ____________ (have) enough money, she'll come with us on vacation.
(b) I ____________ (make) some coffee if you boil some water
(c) If you ____________ (work) hard, you'll finish the project in time.
(d) Unless he ____________ (be) late, we'll meet at six o'clock.
(e) If I tell you a secret, ____________ (you promise) not to tell anyone?
(f) She ____________ (not aend) unless he makes the presentaon.
(g) If Anu cooks dinner, I ____________ (make) dessert.
Q-2 Idenfy the following sentences as present, past or future real conditional sentences.
(a) My family will go to the zoo if the weather is nice tomorrow.
(b) When I could, I helped him with money.
(c) If I buy a loery cket, I might win the lottery.
(d) My father usually drives to office if he has petrol in his car
(e) If you work hard, you can meet with success.
(f) My mother always punishes my sister if she tells a lie.
Q-3 Complete the conditional sentences on your own.
(a) If you had listened to my advice,
(b) If it had rained an hour ago,
(c) I would catch the 9:00 train
(d) If I were rich
(e) He wouldn't have had that terrible accident
(f) She wouldn't have missed the train
(g) Her father would not have died
Chapter-7 Verbs: Non-finites
Q-1 Rewrite each of the following sentences, using introductory 'it'.
(a) To cheat others is wrong.
(b) To climb Everest is very difficult.
(c) To waste your money is foolish.
(d) To call people names is not polite.
(e) To put things off until the last minute is not wise.
(f) To sit in the sun on a cold day is pleasant.
(g) To read your handwriting is impossible.
Q-2 Choose the correct form of infinitive (with or without to).
(a) The aim was ______________ (reduce) the number of vehicles in the city
(b) As the traffic has been reduced by about 20 per cent, journey mes in the city tend ______________ (decrease).
(c) According to an opinion poll, more than 50 per cent of the city says that it is okay ______________ (charge) people for rash driving in the city.
(d) They are relieved ______________ (find) the traffic ______________ (flow) more easily.
(e) Now, people who decide ______________ (pay) the charge can ______________ (travel) at a higher speed, approximately 20 mph.
(f) Many people have chosen ______________ (go) by bus as delays to buses are now down by half
(g) Delhi Metro has seen passenger numbers ______________ (rise) by 80 per cent in the last year.
Q-3 Rewrite each of the following sentences using an infinitive.
(a) It won't be any good my talking to him about it.
(b) It is no use trying to convince him of this.
(c) It wouldn't be much good complaining to the minister about it.
(d) It was a difficult business starng the car with such a weak battery.
(e) It is no fun having so many children to look after.
(f) Will it be any good my seeing the boss about it?
(g) It is just silly throwing away your chances like that.
Q-4 Join each pair of sentences by using an infinitive.
(a) He has some bills. He must pay them.
(b) He has six children. He must provide for them.
(c) The strikers held a meeng. They wished to discuss the terms of the employers.
(d) He wanted to educate his son. He sent him to America.
(e) He was very red. He could not go any further.
Q-5 Complete each sentence with the gerund form of the verb in parentheses.
(a) She is good at (dance) __________________.
(b) He is crazy about (sing) __________________.
(c) I don't like (play) __________________ cards.
(d) They are afraid of (swim) __________________ in the sea.
(e) You should give up (smoke) __________________.
(f) Samer dreams of (be) __________________ a popstar.
Chapter-8 Active and passive voice
Q-1 Identify the voice in each of the following sentences.
(a) John cleaned the bathroom.
(b) The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
(c) Our dog is catching the cat.
(d) Coffee is sold by Marie.
(e) The bag was packed by his mother.
(f) The electricians test the fire alarm.
(g) A letter was written.
Q-2 Rewrite the following sentences so that the verbs will be in the active voice.
(a) We are taught grammar by Ms Singh.
(b) He was praised by the teacher.
(c) The injured were taken to the hospital by the firemen.
(d) The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
(e) The teacher was pleased with the boy's work.
(f) The building was damaged by the fire.
(g) By whom were you taught French?
Q-3 Change the voice.
(a) Please lend me ten pounds.
(b) Kindly do this work
(c) Fetch me a glass of water
(d) Work hard to pass your examination.
(e) Do not write on the wall
(f) Do it at once.
Q-4 Change into passive voice.
(a) People think that the new prime minister is a good speaker.
(b) They report that the suspended gunman is in custody.
(c) People don't expect that the new party will win the election.
(d) The police say that the principal is at large.
(e) The detecve knows that the robber has le the city.
(f) People believe that giving encouragement is important at work, too.
(g) They told us that Charles drank too much at the party
Chapter-9 Comparison of Adjectives
Q-1 Read the following sentences and underline the adjectives used in various degrees of comparison.
(a) Raj is taller than Ravi.
(b) The little girl is quite brave.
(c) This chocolate is sweeter than the other one
(d) Mr Sharma is one of the wealthiest men.
(e) The weather is getting colder these days.
(f) The boy was the fattest one in the school.
(g) Bring me the largest bag you have.
(h) This is the best gift I've received ll date.
Q-2 Fill in the blanks with the correct degrees of comparison.
(a) Prevention is ___ that cure. (good)
(b) Akbar was one of the ____ kings of India. (great)
(c) My brother is ____ than me. (tall)
(d) Gold is ___ than lead. (light)
(e) The streets of Indore are much ___ than the other cities of India. (clean)
(f) There are two ways in which you can solve this problem, and this way is ___ than the other. (easy)
(g) My ___ sister lives in Canada. (old)
Q-3 Use either 'as ... as' or 'not so ... as' in each sentence below.
(a) The blue car is _____________ the red car. (fast)
(b) Apples are ___________ pears. (delicious)
(c) Peter is _____________ Fred. (not/tall)
(d) The violin is _____________ the cello. (not/low)
(e) This copy is _____________ the other one. (bad)
(f) Oliver is _____________ Peter. (optimisc)
(g) Today it's _____________ yesterday. (not/windy)
(h) The tomato soup was _____________ the mushroom soup. (delicious)
(i) Grapefruit juice is _____________ lemonade. (not/sweet)
(j) Nick is _____________ Kevin. (brave)
Q-4 Complete the sentences using the superlave form of the adjectives given in the brackets.
(a) Mr Brown is_____________ tutor in our university. (experienced)
(b) _____________ pupils should be paid more attention. (good)
(c) _____________ film we've ever seen is "Enter the Dragon". (interesng)
(d) It was Chris who wrote_____________ composition. (brilliant)
(e) Spring is_____________ season of the year. (pleasant)
(f) Tom's room is_____________ of all. (clean)
(g) Of all Polish writers, Sienkiewicz is _____________ one. (great)
Chapter-10 Adverb
Q-1 Identify the adverb in each sentence as well as the word it modifies.
(a) Mr Sen, deposit the money safely in the most powerful vault
(b) The recently found journal said Williams was so lost that he just wandered aimlessly in circles.
(c) Running quickly for the end zone, the widely recruited fullback tripped.
(d) The teacher pushed the most talented students so they would finish the assignment quickly
(e) The author was quite annoyed when she determined that the publisher was very dishonest.
(f) Radha threw the garbage out, but the flies would not leave.
(g) Aer she looked carefully in both direcons, Sumit sprinted across.
(i) Their most talented competor sll will not defeat our top contender
Q-2 Choose the correct adverb to fill in each blank. Also identify the kind of adverb used in the sentence.
(a) He complained that she never smiled back.
(b) We are late now.
(c) We only write to each other very occasionally.
(d) I have warned him already.
(e) I was terribly upset.
(f) Peter seldom reads the Bible.
(g) Have you seen him before?
(h) Somemes he stays late in the office to complete his work.
Q-3 Form adverbs from the given adjectives.
(a) perfect – _____________
(b) quiet – _____________
(c) careful – _____________
(d) regular – _____________
(e) nice – _____________
(f) terrible – _____________
Q-4 Use the word in the brackets as adjective/adverb to fill in each blank.
(a) He ____________ reads a book. (quick)
(b) Sushmita is a ____________ girl. (prey)
(c) The class is ____________ loud today. (terrible)
(d) Alka is a ____________ singer. (good)
(e) You can ____________ open this n. (easy)
(f) It's a ____________ day today. (terrible)
Chapter-11 Prepositions
Q-1 Put correct prepositions in the blanks.
(a) Hurry up. They are waiting _______________ us
(b) This piece of music was wrien _______________Beethoven
(c) This is something I know nothing _______________.
(d) What subjects are you good _______________?
(e) I am very proud _______________my daughter
(f) Are you interested _______________ computers?
Q-2 Fill in the blanks with the correct preposional groups given as hints in the box.
(a) I'd rather have tea _____________ coffee.
(b) _____________ bad weather, the trip will be postponed to the next week.
(c) _____________ my fellow employees, I would like to thank management for all they have done to improve our situation
(d) We finally solved our problem _____________ a new device created by our research and development department.
(e) _____________me, I will be happy to dedicate a few extra hours to the cause.
(f) You will have to remember that, _____________ John, no one wants to work on this problem.
Q-3 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.
(a) Are you going to apply _______________ that job at university?
(b) What kind of sport are you keen _______________?
(c) What sport are you good _______________?
(d) I am afraid _______________ losing my job.
(e) You should prepare _______________ your interview.
(f) I am proud _______________ my mother.
Chapter-12 Conjunctions
Q-1 Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences.
(a) I need to work hard so that I can pass the exam.
(b) Although he was the best candidate, he didn't win the elections.
(c) When you come back from your trip, we'll meet to discuss the problem.
(d) They said that the movie was fantastic, so I watched it.
(e) Although he was very ill, he didn't take any medicine.
(f) I don't know where I can buy a pair of jeans.
(g) She went to the shops but couldn't find anything that could fit her needs.
Q-2 Fill in the blanks with the coordinang conjunctions.
(a) Builders use plywood in the construcon of small boats _____________ it is easy to shape.
(b) I haven't spoken with Jane _____________ she moved.
(c) Airplanes somemes fly to unscheduled cities _____________ the weather is bad.
(d) Please read the book _____________ it's still available from the library.
(e) Everybody had dessert _____________ they had finished eating the main course.
(f) The pep rally won't begin _____________ the last class of the day has ended
Q-3 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate correlave conjunctions.
(a) She is neither polite ____________ funny.
(b) ____________ that is the case, ____________ I'm not surprised about what's happening.
(c) Have you made a decision about ____________ to go to the movies ____________ not?
(d) ____________ had I put my umbrella away, ____________ it started raining
(e) This salad is ____________ delicious _______ healthy.
(f) ____________Norway ____________ Switzerland is in the European Union.
Chapter-13 Phrases and clauses
Q-1 Identify the adjective and adverb phrases in the following sentences
(a) Forests with dry grass and brush burn easily
(b) The workers on the platform worked hard in the hot sun.
(c) The picture in the antique frame was of my grandmother.
(d) The gray squirrels scampered along the fence rail in the backyard.
(e) The divers traversed through deep waters of the Caribbean.
Q-2 Identify the types of phrases that are italicized in the following sentences.
(a) To conclude tonight's programme, our chief of staff would like to say a few words.
(b) Wanng to save money,Anil spent the morning clipping and filing coupons.
(c) Jack dreams about becoming a NASA astronaut.
(d) The plumber was unable to finish the difficult job in one day.
(e) Excusing the boys for their rude and reckless behaviourwas not an opon.
Q-3 Combine the following sentences using adverb clauses at the end of each sentence
(a) We watched the robins. They raised their young in our apple tree.
(b) Prem read the book. It was recommended by a friend.
(c) Dad donates his suits to charity. He has worn them a year.
(d) The policemen delayed the drivers. The wrecks were cleared.
(e) Ann ate an apple. She studied her vocabulary.
Chapter-14 The sentence
Q-1 Identify the following sentences as simple, compound or complex.
(a) While the music played, the actor sneaked in through the side door.
(b) Rahul and Rajiv giggled and whispered all night.
(c) His le arm was badly broken at the wrist during the car accident.
(d) Mrs. Paul said that will be enough, and everyone agreed.
(e) Rashmi remained at home because she had a sore throat.
(f) Those clouds promise snow; we might get another snow day off from school.
(g) I know you don't like him, but that doesn't matter
(h) Ravi ran home the rest of the way because he knew he was in trouble.
Chapter-15 Transformation of sentences
Q-1 Rewrite the following sentences removing 'too':
(a) It was too cold to go for a walk
(b) She was too poor to pay her fees.
(c) He was too late to catch the bus.
(d) The house is too small to accommodate everybody.
(e) We were too late to see the drama
(f) She was sobbing too bierly to answer any question.
(g) She is too ill to attend any function.
Q-2 Rewrite the following sentences using 'too':
(a) These apples are so costly that you cannot buy them.
(b) He is so short that he cannot be a soldier.
(c) She speaks so soly that she cannot be hard in a small room.
(d) This passage in the book is so difficult that I cannot understand.
(e) She is so weak that she cannot get up from the bed.
(f) I am so red that I cannot keep awake.
(g) It is so dark that we cannot see anything.
Q-3 Rewrite the following negative sentences as affirmative sentences
(a) Rahul did not attend the conference yesterday.
(b) Raju does not have a car.
(c) Raghu does not want to be an architect.
(d) Ajay did not drop out of school.
(e) Shiva did not participate in the tour.
(f) This shopkeeper does not sell eggs.
(g) We did not create any problems.
Q-4 Change the following assertive sentences into interrogative ones.
(a) It was a great sight.
(b) No one can tolerate this
(c) There is nothing particularly impressive about this picture.
(d) No one worships the setting sun.
(e) Gulliver could hear his watch ticking in his pocket.
(f) It is useless to cry over spilt milk.
Q-5 Change the following assertive sentences into exclamatory ones.
(a) It is a very beautiful scene.
(b) It is very beautiful.
(c) He was very rich and powerful.
(d) It is a very hot day.
(e) It is very wonderful.
(f) She was extremely lucky.
Q-6 Change the following complex sentences into simple sentences.
(a) I know that he is an honest guy
(b) We could not figure out what he said.
(c) I believe that God exists.
(d) Those that are helpless deserve our pity.
(e) The statue that is made of marble was bought from Jaipur
(f) We saw trees that were laden with fruits
Chapter-16 Direct and indirect speech
Q-1 Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
(a) He said to me, 'Please give me a glass of water.’
(b) He said to me, 'Where do you live?’
(c) Rupa said, 'I must write a leer.’
(d) She says, 'I was ill.’
(e) I said to him, 'Good morning.’
(f) The teacher said to the student 'Have you done your English lesson today?'
Q-2 Change the sentences into reported speech.
(a) John said, "I love this town."
(b) "Are you sure?" he asked me.
(c) "I can't drive a lorry," he said.
(d) "Be nice to your brother," he said.
(e) "Don't be nasty," he said.
(f) "Don't waste your money", she said.
(g) "What have you decided to do?" she asked him.
Q-3 Change the following interrogative sentences into reported speech.
(a) Vineet said to Rosy, 'Where are you going?'
(b) The teacher asked the newcomer, 'What is your name?'
(c) The wolf said to the lamps, 'Why are you all so sad?'
(d) The mother said to her daughter, 'Dear, how have you fared in the examination?'
(e) The shopkeeper said to me, 'Which bag do you want?'
(f) She said to him, 'Why are you disturbing me?'
(g) I said to the boys, 'Who teaches you English?'
Chapter-17 Punctuation
Q-1 Punctuate the following sentences using different punctuaon marks.
(a) The men in queson Harold Keene, Jim Peterson and Gerald Greene deserve awards.
(b) Several countries parcipated in the airli Italy, Belgium, France and Luxembourg.
(c) Only one course was open to us surrender, said the ex-major, and we did.
(d) Judge V M Rao later to be nominated for the Supreme Court had ruled against civil rights.
(e) Yes, Jim said, I'll be home by ten.
(f) There was only one thing to do study till dawn.
(g) Montaigne wrote the following A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself.
(h) The following are the primary colours red, blue, and yellow
Chapter-18 Words often confused
Q-1 Fill in the blanks using the right choice given in the brackets.
(a) Nobody can ___________ what I tell ___________ (hear / here)
(b) ___________ desires in our village to become a ___________ (nun / none)
(c) The house ___________ was ___________ to work for many hours without rest. (maid / made)
(d) ___________ ___________ you till now? (Were / Where)
(e) I have not ___________ the ___________ cover book till now. (red / read)
(f) They ___________ at the market where they buy ___________ (meat / meet)
(g) ___________ people cannot show the ___________ way to success. (idle / ideal)
Q-2 Disnguish between these pairs of words by using them in sentences of your own.
(a) accept, except
(b) check, cheque
(c) heel, heal
(d) principal, principle
(e) here, hare
(f) sore, sour
(g) soul, sole
Q-3 Write against each word another word pronounced similarly but spelt differently. Use these pairs of words in sentences of your own.
(a) beech ___________
(b) vein ___________
(c) discreet ___________
(d) prey ___________
(e) shear ___________
(f) brake ___________
(g) due ___________
(h) sole ___________
Chapter-19 Synonyms and Antonyms
Q-1 Match the words given in Column A with their synonyms in Column B.

Q-2 Match the words given in Column A with their antonyms in Column B.

Chapter-20 Idiomatic Expressions
Q-1 Complete the sentences using the idiomatic expressions given in the box.
(a) Could you ________ this applicaon form, please?
(b) The show will ________ unl the viewers decide to stop watching the presentaon.
(c) If you don ́t ________, we can ́t hear you.
(d) I ́am red because I ________too late last night.
(e) The plane ________late because of the bad weather.
Q-2 Complete the sentences using the idiomatic expressions given in the box.
(a) Hi! Is Mr. Knight in? ________, I ́ll call him.
(b) Excuse me, could I ________this dress, please?
(c) How are you ________at college?
(d) Are you still ________with your tennis lessons?
(e) It was a bit chilly, so she ________her jacket.
Q-3 Match the idiomatic expressions with their meanings.

Q-4 Pick out the correct idiomatic expression to complete each sentence.
(a) The truth finally __________ me
(b) He __________ as if nothing had happened.
(c) He __________ all struggle
(d) __________ the light, please
(e) She __________ her mother
(f) Children __________ whatever they hear
(g) Arpita has just __________ a new winter collection.
(h) The Panda is in danger of __________.
(i) All the ckets of the Barcelona Cup have been __________.
(j) Why are you __________.
Chapter-21 Improving spellings
Q-1 In each of the following sentences one word is misspelt. Find the word and write the correct spelling.
(a) I had to stay aer work because there was a discrepansy with my cash drawer.
(b) Though they ulmately failed, it was a worthwhile endevor.
(c) Mark is having trouble achieving equelibrium at his new school.
(d) We feel like John's use of foul language is becoming exsessive.
(e) Ian found it difficult to extrecate himself from the situaon.
(f) Being able to spell well, at this level, is expeced as much as being able to read and write.
(g) Why is Caroline so flamboyent?
(h) She had to go to the hospital for her frostbiten fingers
Chapter-29 Listening Skills
Q-1 Listen to the text and fill in the blanks:
(a) One reason they sing is to __________a claim on________.
(b) A bird maintains singing________ around the outside ________of the territory.
(c) Birds also sing to find a __________..
(d) ________birds learn to _________their songs by listening to ________birds and intersecng with other birds.
Q-2 Listen to the text and answer the following questions:
(a) How much water is there of the body weight of human adults?
(b) Which affects the water regulation in the body?
(c) Menon some of the functions of water.
Q-3 Listen to the text and answer the following questions:
(a) Literally, rasa means ‘taste’ or ‘flavour
(b) One gesture may mean more than 30 different things quite unrelated to each other.
(c) Some of the classical dance drama forms enact well-known stories originang from Hindu mythology.
Q-4 Listen to the text and answer the following questions:
(a) Who looked up to a child as an individual and a very special human being?
(b) At what age did Maria Montessori change?
(c) From which university did she graduate in 1896?
Q-5 Listen to the text and fill in the blanks:
(a) Human speech is a very_______process, which no animal can perform.
(b) Words are only________or objects acons, feelings, ________and ideas.
(c) For human beings, therefore, the use of words means the use of ________or _______.
(d) That is, no animals use ______________.