Question bank

Chapter-1   Flash
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) The two tools to create fills are the ___________ tool and the __________ tool.
(b) To create text, you simply select the _________ tool, click, and start typing.
(c) Two tools are available for just drawing lines: the ___________ tool and the_________ tool.
(d) Shortcut to save files in Macromedia Flash Version 8 is __________.
(e) ___________ and _____________ tools let you create free hand artwork.
(f) In Macromedia Flash Version 8, shortcut to open a new file is ________

Answer the following questions:

1. Which tools let you create art work?
2. Which two tools are used to create fills?
3. What is the use of Free Transform Tool?
4. What are the uses of Selection and Zoom/Hand tools?
5. Which company developed Flash?
Chapter-2   Animation in Flash
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) Each layer is a concurrent ................................. where an animation can play.
(b) Layers provide a visual tool to control ................................ order for Drawing objects, groups, or symbols.
(c) If you want more things to animate simultaneously, you should put each one in its own .............................. .
(d) ...................... are reusable elements that you can be used with a document.
(e) Shortcut for converting to symbol is ------------------------
(f) Converting to a symbol leaves behind an -------------------- of the symbol you just created.
(g) You can edit the --------------------------- symbol and update all at once.
(h) When you place a symbol on the Stage by dragging it from the ---------------------- , you create an --------------------- of that symbol.
(i) Movie clips have their own multi-frame -------------------- that plays independent of the main movie's Timeline.
Q-2 True Or False
(a) Frame -by- Frame animation changes the contents of every frame.
(b) Keyframe allows you to play an animation.
(c) Press Ctrl+Enter to test the movie.
(d) Static text updates automatically at runtime.
(e) Shape Tween changes the shape of an object.
(f) Password displays text in as text (********)
(g) Multiline displays font in multiple lines.

Answer the following questions:

1. Give and introduction of Flash.
2. Name any 5 types of font attributes.
3. Describe the types of symbols.
4. Describe different symbols and instances.
5. What do you know about graphic symbol?
6. What do you know about button symbol?
7. What do you know about movie clip symbol?
8. Describe the layers in Flash.
9 What is a motion tween?
10. What is a shape tween?
11. What do you understand by frame by frame animation?

Match the following:


Identify the symbols:

a. --------------------------------
b. ---------------------------
c. -----------------------
d. ------------------

Identify the tools:

a. ------------------------
b. -----------------------
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 ................... are used to stack graphics on top or below other graphics.


Movie clip symbols




Buttons symbols
Q-2 In Flash, multiple layers are actually ..................... Timelines.






Both a and b
Q-3 Shortcut to create layer for each symbol is .......................................


Created on layer


'Distribute to layers' option on right button on Timeline click after selecting all objects


Both a and b
Q-4 You are working on Layer1 currently. When you add new layer, it shall be added .................... Layer1.




Above for left click, below for right click



You have three symbols (Sym1, Sym2, Sym3) on layer1. You select all these symbols, right click and click 'Distribute to layers'. All three sym- bols shall be moved to three different layers.


The new layers shall be named Layer 2, Layer 3, Layer 4.


New layers shall be named sym1, sym2, sym3.


New layers shall be named Layer2.sym1, Layer3.sym2. Layer4.sym3


None of these


Symbols can include


Graphics and buttons


Movies and video clips


Sound files and fonts


All of the above.


The ------------- can be moved across files from one file to another.




Properties panel






There are three types of symbols


Movies, video clips, sound clips


Graphic, button, movie clip


Both a and b


None of these


Graphic symbols are used for


Moving images


Static images




. None of these


 ------------------- symbols are used to create interactive buttons.






Movie clip


None of these


 --------------------- symbols are used to create reusable pieces of animation.






Movie clip


None of these

Chapter-3   VB. NET
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) .NET framework offers a _____________ of languages which puts us programmers into a deep thought process about which programming language best suits our needs.
(b) A _____________ is a named memory location.
(c) Constants are very similar to _____________ .
(d) VB.NET supports block-level _____________ of variables.
(e) The simple types basically consist of ------------------- and numeric types, where numeric is further divided into integral and floating point.
(f) Object type or reference type variables are those, which are allocated storage space in the ----------------- .
(g) . Custom data types are available in .NET framework in the form of ----------------- or class type.
(h) . Overloading provides the ability to create multiple methods or --------------------- with the same name, but with different parameters lists.
Q-2 True Or False
(a) Properties are named members of classes, structures, and interfaces.
(b) The execution of the get accessor is equivalent to reading the value of the field.
(c) The set accessor is similar to a method that returns void.
(d) When you assign a value to the property, the set accessor is invoked with an argument that provides the old value.
(e) A structure allows you to create your own custom data types and it contains one or more members that can be of different data types.
(f) A structure is created on the stack and dies when you reach the closing brace in C# or the End structure in VB.NET.
(g) Name spaces are used in .Net to organize class libraries into a hierarchical structure and reduce conflicts between various identifiers in a program.
(h) In.Net, the base class library begins at the System name space.

Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the constants and variables.
2. What is the use of structures?
3. How to make a property read only?
4. What are boxing conversations?

Tick or Cross:

1. Boxing is the implicit conversion of a value type to a reference type or to any interface type implemented by this value type.
2. UnBoxing is the explicit conversion from a reference type to a value type or from an interface type to a value type that implements the interface.
3. VB.Net does not support the ability to explicitly unbox values.
4. Enumerations are types that inherit from System.Enum.
5. The runtime supports constructs called delegates, which enable late- bound operations such as method invocation and callback procedures.

Match the following:

Chapter-4   JAVA Programming
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) The ____________ language was designed at Sun Microsystems over a five year period, culminating in its first release in January 1996.
(b)Java became a language that would execute on a number of systems and now has implementations for virtually all common computers and ____________ .
(c) Since Java could now run on nearly any kind of workstation, it became an ideal vehicle for adding powerful computational capabilities to ____________ .
(d) Java applets are also restricted from writing into ____________ outside of the Java address space.
(e) A Java applet is a program designed to be ------------------- in a Web page.
Q-2 True Or False
(a) Java is object oriented.
(b) Java works on most platforms.
(c) You can write Java programs with any text editor program provided with Windows.
(d) All Java source files have the .java extension.
(e) Java is network enabled.
(f) Java is multithreaded.

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you know about executing Java program on real computers?
2. What are Java Applets?
3. What are Java applications?
4. Describe any 3 advantages of Java.
5. What do you know about versions of Java?
6. Describe the Java program files.

Match the following:

Chapter-5   HTML
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) HTML documents may contain style sheet rules directly in them or they may .................... style sheets.
(b) HTML allows authors to design .................... that take advantage of the characteristics of the media .
(c) .................... uses color values to specify a color.
(d) .................... attachment determines whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page.
(e) The ------------------- -color property allows you to change the color of the border surrounding an element.
(f) The border-width ------------------- allows you to set the width of an element borders.
Q-2 True Or False
(a) Tag has one left angular bracket<, which is commonly recognized in the form of less than sign. Tag name is written after this sign and close it by right angular bracket '>'.
(b) HTML tags tell your browser which elements to present and how to present them.
(c) HEAD and BODY elements are kept inside the HTML element.
(d) HTML does not understand the difference between capital and small letters.
(e) The title is usually displayed in the browser's title bar (at the top).
(f) You can use any text editor program like NotePad or WordPad in which you can write your HTML codes and save that document as HTML document just by specifying its file extension as.html.
(g) The TITLE element starts with the <TITLE> start tag and ends with the </TITLE> end tag.
(h) Containers are the basis for HTML documents because they define a logical structure for a document.
(i) The basic tags include <html>, <title>, <meta>, and <body>.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the use of HTML meta tag?
2. What is the use of HTML body tag?
3. How many levels of headings can be there in HTML?
4. How does the text skip the proceeding text to the start of the next line?
5. What is the use of basefont tag?
6. What type of background can be used for a form?
7. What do you know about definition list?
8. What is full form of WYSIWYG?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The option that shows you the HTML coding.






Q-2 Original HTML is designed by:


Tim Berners Lee at CERN


Dan Connolly


Karen Olson Mulderow
Q-3 The elements that include both ON and OFF tags are called.


container element


container element


empty elements


Q-4 This attribute is used to set the color of the background.


BG color




Background colour

The full form of HTML is...


hyper text makeup language


hyper text markup language


hyper text mode language 


none of the above


HTML defines ----------------- level of headings.








None of these


A coded HTML command that indicates how part of a web page is displayed is called








Web page


The default colour of V link attribute is










The default colour of link attribute is










Font element has the following attribute.


no shade, size, colour


size, colour, face


no shade, face, size


height, width, colour


The valid range of size attribute of base font in HTML is










No shade is an attribute of element.








Base font


Element that is used to insert a line break with extra space in the beginning.






paragraph element


paragraph spacing


All the main contents of the document are kept in -----------------


container element




HR Tag


BR Element


Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading.










Which one of the following is the html tag used to insert a horizontal ruler?










With which HTML tag do you apply attributes that modify text size, font-face and color?










Knowing the container concept is key to your proper construction of






www documents




What are the two parts that all normal web pages consist?


Top and Bottom


Head and Body


Body and Tags


None of these


Which HTML tag will be used to display power in expression x2 + y=10?










Web --------------- managers may find it convenient to configure a server so that a style sheet will be applied to a group of pages.








none of these

Chapter-6   Basic of DBMS and RDBMS
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) Small set of information becomes ............................ , this set of information helps make decision.
(b) It's a ............................ with a NOT NULL constraint and Check constraint to be > 0.
(c) ............................ represents some aspect of the real world called "............................".
(d) Its a column, having referential integrity constraint called ............................
(e) Logical association of any ------------- tables created to preserve the data integrity is called relationship.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is data?
2. What is the full form of DBMS?
3. What is DBMS and which are the types of DBMS?
4. Which types of relationship in DBMS?
5. What is table in DBMS?
6. What are the types of data models?
7. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 RDBMS solution is required by large sets of .................................. whereas small sets of data can be managed by DBMS.






Q-2 Its a CELL, intersection between row and a column having .................................. value






Q-3 Data is always some .................................. information.






power full
Q-4 DBMS accepts the 'flat file' data that means there is no relation among .................................. data whereas RDBMS does not accept this type of design.







A transaction usually means a sequence of information exchange and its related ----------------








none of these


Although the foreign key concept is supported by both DBMS and RDBMS, its only RDBMS that enforces the -------------






none of these




In relational data model, data exists in two dimensional tables known as ----------------








none of these


Relationship among tables is maintained in a ----------------- whereas this is not the case with DBMS as it is used to manage the database.






(a) is right


none of these


 ----------------------- is used for simpler business applications whereas RDBMS is used for more complex applications.








none of these

Chapter-7   Network Security Tools
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) ........................ is a type of scam in which an email pretends to be from a bank or another trusted source in order to trick you into handing over your personal information.
(b) The ........................ has made banking, shopping, and conducting other financial transactions online quite convenient.
(c) Network management means ...................... things to different people.
(d) The goal of accounting management is to measure ...................... utilization parameters so that individual or group uses on the network can be regulated appropriately.
(e) ---------------- management requires no hocus pocus, magic sauce or pixie dust.
(f) A secure ---------------- bit communications protocol connects the system to a central management console no matter where the machine sits and whether it is connected to the corporate network.
(g) Made up of a group of ------------- experts that carve their time among multiple clients, MSPs can act as IT experts that are knowledgeable, engaged at all times and -------------- effective .
(h) The main advantage of ------------------- over VPN is that it enables the ---------------- to access his/her information in his/her office even though they are not in the office.
Q-2 True Or False
(a) Don't use the same password for each account.
(b) A spam blocker can greatly reduce the amount of spam that ends up in your inbox.
(c) Keep your antivirus software updated.
(d) Managing a LAN is fairly simple.
(e) VoIP is available on many smartphones, personal computers, and on Internet access devices.

Answer the following questions:

1. Have you customized your privacy settings for your social networking accounts like Facebook, MySpace, and Skype?
2. What is networking safety tools?
3. Have you ever googled yourself to see what information can be found on you?
4. Write short notes on Internet safety and privacy.
5. Have you set your computer's security program to make sure you are getting regular updates?
6. How to protect your computer from internet threat?
7. Are you enticed by emails or advertisements with special discount offers?
8. Do you have an external backup source for your computer?
9. When shopping online, do you check a website's security status before entering your billing information?
10. When is a website secure for financial transactions?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Never use personal information such as your name, birthday, or spouse's name. ....................... information is often publicly available, which makes it easier for someone to guess your password.






Q-2 Use a...................... password. Your password should be at least six characters long, and for extra security it should ideally be at least 12 characters (if the site allows it).






none of these
Q-3 If you need to write down your passwords, keep them in a secure place. It's even better if you encrypt your passwords, or just write down hints for them that others won't be able to ..................






Q-4 .................... attachments are especially dangerous because they can contain viruses and other malware.







Organizations of all sizes are able to handle ------------------- management for systems that sit within the corporate firewall where they are easier to track, update, control and secure.








none of these


Proxy Configuration enter information about the proxy host, user ---------------- and password.








none of these


Desktop Central Server Details section, specify the IP address and port numbers for the Desktop Central ------------









Chapter-8   Windows 10
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(a) The Windows Technical Preview Forum is where you can ........................ with Microsoft engineers and fellow insiders.
(b) To switch between desktops, click Task view and then choose a ........................ from the bottom of the page.
(c) User input and communication are essential components of our development effort — and there are ........................ key mechanisms for contributing your feedback.
(d) If you want to tell us you had a problem or that you like/dislike something, use the Windows ........................ app.
(e) If you have other apps or programs running on your desktop, Windows will suggest how to fill the remaining
(f) Once pinned, your -------------------- will show up as a tile on the right.

Answer the following questions:

1. How can you get the Start Menu in Windows 10?
2. Where will you click to change your account picture, lock your device or sign out of your account?
3. Which button will you use to shut down or restart your device?
4. What is the function of All apps?
5. What is the use of Search option in Windows 10?