Question bank

Chapter-1   Education and the British Rule
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
(a) The Muslims remained backward because ____________
(b) The Theosophical Society was different from other reform movements because ________
(c) Regional languages developed at this time because ________
(d) Progress of science was hampered because of ________
(e) Swami Dayanand Saraswati founded the_________ in _________
(f) Swami Vivekananda was a disciple of __________
(g) Temples were the focus of reforms in ________India.
(h) __________won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.
(i) Reforms were first started in Bengal because ___________
Q-2 Match the following:
Q-3 Write True or False for each statement:
1. The practice of 'sati' was abolished in 1829, largely due to the efforts of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
2. The Hindu Balika Vidyalaya was opened by lshwar Chandra Vidyasagar.
3. The reform movements first started in Bengal and then spread to other parts of India
4. Ramabai Ranade was a reformer of northern India.
Q-4 Answer the following questions in short:
1. Name four evils that existed in the Indian society.
2. Name two Parsi reformers and what was their aim.
3. What steps were taken to encourage the progress of science?
Q-5 Answer the following questions in long
1. What were Raja Ram Mohan Roy's contributions to education?
2. List the different steps taken by the British government for the spread of education.
3. There were some changes in the sphere of literature at this time. What were they?
4. What role did the press play? Name some important newspapers of those days
5. What was the contribution of Singh Sabha Movement to the education?
6. What did lshwar Chandra Vidyasagar do to enhance the education in Indian society?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Who was the founder of Brahmo Samaj?


Keshav Chandra Sen


Bankim Chandra Chatterjee


Dwarka Nath Tagore


Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Q-2 The Aligarh Muslim University was founded by


Gopal Krishna Gokhale


Raja Ram Mohan Roy


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan


Swami Dayanand

Q-3 Who was the most important socio-religious reformer of the Muslims in the 19th century?


Sir Syed Ahmad Khan


Muhammad Iqbal


Maqsud Ali


Mohd Ali Jinnah

Chapter-2   Women and Reform Movements in India
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. The Brahmo Sabha was founded in .................... .
3. ................... abolished the sati practice by law.
4. The Deccan Society was founded in .................... .
5. The Widow Remarriage Act was passed in .................... .
2. The first women's uplift movement in Maharashtra was led by .................... .
Q-2 Establish a link between Column A and Column B:
Q-3 State if the sentences are True/False:
1. The sati practice was more prevalent in Bengal.
2. Savitribai was the first woman teacher in Maharashtra.
3. Sati was banned by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
4. Mahadev Govind Ranade was associated with the Prarthana Samaj.
5. Bethune School was started by lshwar Chandra Vidhyasagar.
6. Most notable educator and legislator, Gopal Krishna Gokhale was inspired by Ranade.
Q-4 Answer the following questions in short:
1. What do you understand by the reform?
2. Who was Raja Ram Mohan Roy? What is his contribution for the cause of the women?
3. Name any four major social ills women suffered during the nineteenth century
4. Who was lshwar Chandra Vildyasagar? What did he do for women's uplift?
5. Who was Swami Dayanand? How did he contribute for women's uplift?
7. Who was Mahadev Govind Ranade?
6. Who was the most prominent Muslim reformer? What is his main contribution?
Q-5 Answer the following questions in long:
1. Explain the reasons, why were the reformers focused on the women's conditions?
2. Describe the contribution of Bengal to the upliftment of women.
3. Describe the contribution of Maharashtra in the women's uplift.
4. Evaluate the status of women during the British rule.
5. Why was the need for social reforms for women felt?
6. Evaluate the coming of the British in India as a boost to the works of the Indian reformers.
7. What was the impact of literature on social reforms ?
8. What was the impact of various reforms in the sphere of legislation?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 'Lokhitavadi' title was given to :


Keshab Chandra Sen


Gopal Hari Deshmukh


Govind Ranade

Q-2 The custom of sari was banned by:


Raja Ram Mohan Roy


Lord William Bentinck


Lord Macaulay


The Widow Remarriage Act was brought about by the untiring efforts of:


Raja Ram Mohan Roy


lshwar Chandra Vidhyasagar


Keshab Chandra Sen

Q-4 lshwar Chandra Vidyasagar championed female education and led the campaign for-




Child education


None of these


Widow remarriage

Q-5 Reform movements showed the guiding light for ................. to be enacted.








All of these

Chapter-3   Colonialism and Urban Change
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. Lord .................... set up the Public Works Department
2. . ................... was the first port town occupied by the Portuguese
3. The British established themselves at .................... in 1639.
4. In __________Madras uses raised to the rank of Presidency
S. Delhi was made the capital of India in .................... .
Q-2 Match the columns:
Q-3 Write True or False:
1. The British introduced the railways in India in 1858.
2. The British first established themselves in Bombay
3. Pondicherry was established by the French.
4. The British shifted the capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911 .
5. The Civil Lines contained offices and residences of British officials.
Q-4 Answer the following questions in short:
1. Who was the architect of New Delhi?
2. Name some of the major British monuments in Delhi.
3. Why were the Civil lines and Cantonments built?
4. Name the city with the highest population of India in 1800s?
5. Why did Calcutta gain importance under the British?
6. How did acquisition of Bombay benefit the British in India?
7. Name some places in Madras which deserve special mention. 
8. Who set up a separate Public Works Department during the British rule?
9. How did the introduction of railways help urbanization?
Q-5 Answer the following questions in long:
1. What led to the decline of cities in India during the 19th century?
2. Explain the role of railways in the growth of metropolitan towns and decline of Pre-British towns in India.
3. Why were the municipalities established in big cities during the British rule?
4. Write a note on the British influence on urbanization in India.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Railways were introduced in India in









Q-2 Calcuta was the capital of India till









Q-3 Which city was built by a Mughal Emperor?









Q-4 Waltair emerged as a


Administrative town


Commercial town


Port town


Railway town

Chapter-4   Reforming the Caste System

Match the Columns:

Q-2 Fill in the blanks:
1. The caste system was the main cause of .................... .
2. The .................... was against the feeling of world brotherhood.
3. ................... founded the Satya Shodhak Samaj.
4. ................... did his work in Kerala.
5. Mahatma Gandhi founded the .................... Sangh.
Q-3 Write True or False against each statement:
1. The caste system was a check on personal advancement.
2. Jyotiba Phule was born in 1805 in Maharashtra.
3. Veeresalingam worked for the upliftment of the Ezhavas.
4. Dr Bhim Rao Ambedker founded the Theosophical Society.
5. Sri Narayan Guru founded the Rajamundri Association.
6. Ranked below the two top categories were the Vaishyas.
7. Jyotirao, along with his followers, formed the Shodhak Samaj.
8. Dr B.R. Ambedkar's helped to establish the 'Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha'.
Q-4 Answer the following questions in brief:
1 . What do you understand by caste system?
2. Who was Jyotiba Phule ? What was his contribution in the field of caste reforms?
3. Describe the work of Veeresalingam for caste reforms.
4. Who was Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar?
5. Who was Sri Narayan Guru ? Why is he remembered?
6. Where did Narayana Guru belong to?
7. What was the percentage of the population of "untouchables" in India in 1930s?
Q-5 Answer the following questions in long:
1. How did untouchability prove harmful for the Hindu society?
2. Why did most of the reformers focus on the caste system?
3. Evaluate the work of Dr B.R. Ambedkar for the uplift of the depressed classes.
4. Who gave the term Harijan? Explain his reason of coining this term.
5. What did Gandhi ji do for the cause of the depressed classes?
6. Define caste system along with its negative aspects.
Q-6 Write short notes on the following:
1. Satyasodhak Movement
2. Self-Respect Movement
3. Ezhava Movement
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 ___________ fought to end caste discrimination in Maharashtra.




Jyotirao Govindrao Phule




Shri Nanak Guru

Q-2 All India Harijan Sevak Sangh was founded by


Mahatma Gandhi


Dr B.R. Ambedkar


None of these


Shri Nanak Guru


..................... believe that there is no place for the caste system in Hinduism.


Swami Vivekananda


Swami Ramananda


Jyotiba Phule


None of these


A threefold division of society into priests, warriors and commoners was a part of the .............. heritage.









Chapter-5   Changes in the Arts : Literature, Painting and Architecture
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. Geetanjali was written by ________
2. New literary forms like centuries__________. and __________became popular in the 19th and 20th.
3. Subramania Bharti was a _______ writer.
4. Prince of Wales Museum is situated in ___________
5. The Victoria Terminus is also known as _________
Q-2 True or False:
1. Munshi Premchand was the author of Godan.
2. Sharat Chandra Chatterjee was a Bengali writer
3. Qazi Nazrul Islam was a Bengali poet.
4. Gateway of India is situated in Delhi
5. Amrita Shergil was a genius in oil painting and academic realism.
Q-3 Answer the following questions in short:
1. Mention the famous civic monuments of the British period in Mumbai.
2. Mention the famous buildings of the British period in Chennai.
3. What do you know about Udai Shankar?
4. What do you know about Rabindranath Tagore?
5. What are performing arts?
6. Mention some fiction writers and their famous works.

Answer the following questions in detail:

1. Write an account of the development of painting in India during the British rule
2. Describe the progress of performing arts in Indian in the twentieth century.
3. Describe the various styles of architecture of the British monuments in India.
4. Write a note on the progress made in the field of fiction during the twentieth century.
5. Briefly describe the changes brought in modern Indian literature in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Match the Columns:

Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Rabindranath Tagore won Nobel Prize for his






Galpa Guchcha


Chare Baire

Q-2 'Rangbhoomi' is a novel written by


Bankim Chandra Chatterjee


Munshi Prem Chand


Vibhuti Bhushan


Bhartendu Harish Chandra

Q-3 Abanindranath Tagore is known for his









Q-4 The Umaid Bhavan in Rajasthan is at









Chapter-6   Rise of Indian Nationalism
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. Exploitation of India by the British was direct and harsh before 1857; after 1857 it became __________ and ____________
2. The ________rebellion was an armed rebel lion of the Sikhs against the British policy of divide and rule.
3. The English language acted as a ________ language among the educated Indians.
4. Western scholars like and researched the Indian past ___________ and rediscovered its rich heritage.
5. 'Vande Mataram ' was written by ___________
6. The Indian National Congress was established in the year and its first __________ session was held in ______
7. The Moderates spread___________ among the people.
8. Modern Indian nationalism arose to meet the challenges of __________
9. The most important leaders of the Moderates were __________ and _________
Q-2 Match the following columns:
Q-3 State whether the following are true or false:
1. The Revolt of India had failed to rid India of foreign rule.
2. Western education and modern ideas could not bring the Indians together.
3. Racial arrogance and racial discriminations by the British caused great resentment among Indian intellectuals.
4. The Moderates believed in the justice and fair play of the British.
5. The Moderates presented their grievances to the British in the form of protests and strikes.
6. The Swadeshi and Boycott Movement started after the division of Bengal.
7. Separate electorates for the Muslims were introduced by the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.
8. The Lucknow Pact was between the Moderates and the Extremists.
Q-4 Answer the following questions in short:
1. What was Swadeshi and Boycott Movement?
2. What led to the rise of extremists in the Congress?
3. Define nationalism.
4. In what way did the Revolt of 1857 impact the rise of nationalism in India?
5. When was the Indian National Congress established? Mention the main aims of the Congress.
Q-5 Answer the following questions in long:
1. What was the main difference between the Moderates and the Extremists?
2. Give the reasons given by the British for dividing Bengal. What was the real reason behind this move?
3. Discuss the role played by the British in the formation of the Muslim League.
5. What role did A.O. Hume play in the establishment of the Indian National Congress?
4. What methods did the revolutionaries adopt to liberate India from British rule? What were the weaknesses of their movement?
Chapter-7   Struggle for Indian Freedom 1919-1947
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
(5) ................. (khadi/charkha) became the symbol of freedom.
(1) Mahatma Gandhi dominated the Indian politics from 1919 to ..................... (1975/1947)
(2) Gandhiji used Satyagraha and ................... (ahimsa/violence) against the British.
(3) The Montague-Chelmsford Reform was also cal led the Government of ................... (India/Britain) Act of 1919.
(4) General ................... (Dyer/Montague) ordered fire at the crowd in Jallianwala Bagh on April 13,1919.
Q-2 Match the Columns:
Q-3 Say if the sentences are True/False:
1. The Government of India Act of 1919 is also known as the Minto reform
2. The Non-Cooperation Movement was suspended by Gandhiji following the outbreak of violence at Chauri-Chaura in U.P.
3. In July 1947, the British Parliament passed the India Independence Act which provided for the setting up of two independent dominions.
Q-4 Answer the following questions in brief:
1. When was the Azad Hind Fauj formed? Who were associated with its formation?
2. Who were the Swarajists ? What was their purpose?
3. When did Gandhiji enter the National Movement?
4. When and where was the demand for Poorna Swaraj raised?
5. Why was the Cabinet Mission called so ? Who were its members?
Q-5 Answer the following questions in detail:
1. Point out the significant development that took place between year 1928 and 1930.
2. When was the Civil Disobedience Movement launched? Mention other programmes involved with the movement.
3. What were the provisions of the Government of India Act of 1935?
4. Describe the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi in India's struggle for Freedom.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Where did the Gandhiji break the Salt law?


Sabarmati Ashram







Q-2 Where did Gandhiji first used Satyagraha?






South Africa



Q-3 Who organised the Indian National Army?


Subhash Chandra Bose


Captain Mohan Singh


None of these


Ras Bihar Bose

Q-4 The first Governor General of India was


Lord Mountbatten


Chakravarti Rajgopalachari


Dr. Rajendra Prasad


None of these

Chapter-8   Agriculture
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
1. _____________is an equatorial crop.
2.___________ is well grown in flood plains where soils are renewed every year.
3. Tea and coffee are included in ____________crops
4.________ agriculture is also known as slash and burn agriculture.
5. Jowar, Bajra and ragi are the important _________
Q-2 State 'True' or 'False
1. In mixed farming, mining and agriculture are done over a single piece of land.
2. Maize is used both as food and fodder
3. Rearing of silkworm for the production of silk fibre is known as sericulture
4. Rice is the major food crop of the world.
5. In subsistence farming, crops are grown for sale purposes.
Q-3 Match the Columns:
Q-4 Give answer in short:
1. What do you mean by agriculture?
2. Define sericulture.
3. Give the factors which affect the agriculture.
4. Give the main types of agriculture
5. Give any two conditions ideal for the growth of millets.
6. What do you mean by plantation agriculture?
7. What do you mean by mixed farming?
8. Define subsistence agriculture.
9. Mention the important wheat producing areas.
10. What kind of soil is required for the growth of maize?
11 . Mention important plantation crops.
12. Which crop is called "Golden Fibre"?
Q-5 Give answer in detail:
1. Differentiate between subsistence farming and commercial farming
2. What do you mean by a farm system?
3. Differentiate between mixed farming and plantation farming.
4. Compare an Indian farm with a farm found in the USA.
5. Discuss the conditions required for the growth of rice.
6. Give a brief description about a tea plantation.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Which of the following activity is considered as primary activity?









Q-2 Which of the following crops grown in subsistence agriculture?









Q-3 Which of the following factor plays an important role in the development of agriculture?








All the above

Q-4 Which is the leading producer of coffee in the world?




South Africa





Q-5 Which of the following is a horticulture crop?






AlI the above



Chapter-9   Manufacturing Industries
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. Cotton textile industry is an___________ industry of India.
2.___________ is also called as the Manchester of India.
4.___________is well known textile centre of Japan.
5. _____________climate is suitable for spinning and weaving.
3. Silicon Valley is famous for ________
Q-2 State if the sentences are 'True' or 'False'
1. Textile mills in Osaka are completely dependent upon imported raw material.
2. Karnataka Government was the last to announce IT Policy in Indian in 1992.
3. Large scale industries invest huge amount of money as well as employed large number of people
4. Steel is the output of iron and steel industry.
5. Cotton textile industry is the backbone of modern industry.
Q-3 Match the following:
Q-4 Answer the following questions in short:
1. List the factors affecting industrial location.
2. Name the two important centres of cotton textiles in the world.
3. Differentiate between public sector and private sector industries by giving suitable examples
4. Define the word 'Industry'.
5. Give two uses of steel.
6. What do you mean by an industrial region?
7. Name the important natural fibres found in India.
8. Name any two synthetic fibres.
9. Where and when was the first iron and steel plant established?
10. Mention any two features of cotton textile industry.
Q-5 Answer the following questions in detail:
1. Trace the development of cotton textile industries.
2. Differentiate between agro-based industry and mineral-based industry.
3. Discuss the factors which were responsible for the ideal location of Tata Iron and Steel Industry in Jamshedpur
4. Why is Ahmedabad considered as the "Manchester of India'.
5. Why did rapid growth of cotton textile industry take place in Mumbai after 1854?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Which of the following is an example of industries?


Coal mining


Manufacturing of leather goods


All the above


Weaving and spinning

Q-2 Which of the following industries is an example of agro-based industry?




Cotton textile


Watch making


Aluminum smelting

Q-3 Which of the following industry comes under private sector?




Steel Authority of India Ltd.




Sugar Mill

Q-4 Where was the first successful modern textile mill set up?









Q-5 When was the Tata Iron and Steel Company set up?









Chapter-10   Human Resources
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. The _____________is most commonly expressed as the number of fem ales per 1000 males
2. The USA, Australia, Canada have gained population due to _________
3. The average population density of the world is __________persons/ km Square .
Q-2 State if the sentences are 'True' or 'False'
1. Migration is a major factor of population.
2. Increase in food productivity and better food supply is responsible for the increase in population.
3. Industrial areas provide employment opportunities to large population.
4. Rapid growth of population is the major problem in developed countries.
5. A country is said to have an optimum population when the number of people is in balance with the available resources.
Q-3 Answer the following question in short:
1. What do you mean by human resources?
2. What do you mean by population density? What is the population density of India?
3. Which factors affect the distribution of population?
4. Name any two sparsely populated areas.
5. Name any two densely populated areas.
6. Name the two types of migration.
7. What do you mean by population composition ?
8. Define sex ratio.
9. What do you mean by literacy?
10. What do you understand by optimum population?
11. What is the impact of age group on population?
12. What do you mean by population change?
Q-4 Answer the following question in detail:
1. Discuss the factors responsible for distribution of population in the world.
2. What is the importance of population pyramid? Justify your answer with suitable examples.
3. What are the future prospects for the distribution of population in the world?
4. Discuss the population problems related with developing countries.
5. What problems are faced by in developed countries in respect of population?
6. Discuss the pattern of population growth in the world.
7. Define the following demographic terms. i. Birth rate ii. Death rate iii. Migration
Q-5 Match the following columns:
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Which of the fol lowing countries is the second largest populated country o f the world?









Q-2 Western and Central Europe is densely populated due to the availability of






none of the above



Q-3 Thar desert is sparsely populated due to








thorny bushes

Q-4 Which of the following is the major cause of population growth?


birth rate


death rate




natural growth rate


Which of the following country is the example of population change due to emigration









Chapter-11   The Judiciary
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. The___________ is the highest court in Ind ia.
2. The judges of the Supreme Court retire at the age of ________
3. Judges of the High Court and the Supreme Court are appointed by the _______
4. Popular courts which decides cases at a much quicker speed are called _______
5. The courts at the district levels are known as _______
Q-2 State True or False
1. The Supreme court is the highest court of appeal in India.
2. Any citizen of India can approach a High Court directly if he feels that his Fundamental Rights are being violated.
3. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is appointed by the Prime Minister.
4. Popular Courts which decide cases much quicker are called subordinate courts.
5. The total number of judges besides the Chief Justice cannot be more than 35.
Q-3 Answer the following questions in short:
1. Name the highest court of Justice in the country?
2. What are Lok Adalats?
3. What is the importance of courts in India?
4. Mention two qualifications needed for being the Judge of the Supreme Court?
Q-4 Answer the following questions in detail:
1. Why do we need the courts of Justice?
2. How are Lok Adalat useful?
3. How are the Judges of the Supreme Court appointed?
4. Mention some of the powers of the Supreme Court?
5. What is the difference between civil and criminal cases?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The High Court is the highest court of Justice at the level.





Matters relating to violation of fundamental rights can be dealt with by ______


High Court


the Governor
Q-3 The Chief Justice of a H igh Court is appointed by


The President


the Governor

Q-4 The_________ is the highest court of appeal in India


Supreme Court


High Court
Chapter-12   Elements of Judicial Structure
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
1. The maintenance of law and order is the most important function of the__________
2. Police keeps a close watch on _________elements
3. The_________ cannot refuse to register the complaint.
4. The _____________at the District headquarters is an officer of the Indian Police services.
Q-2 Say if the following sentences are True or False:
1. The Supreme Court hears appeals against the courts.
2. FIR means First information Report.
3. Supreme Court hears the appeal of the one who breaks the rules.
4. Many criminal cases are settled out of court.
5. Murder is an example of a criminal case.
Q-3 Match the following columns
Q-4 Answer the following in detail:
1. What are civil and criminal cases?
2. Give two examples each of civil and criminal cases?
3. What is FIR?
4. Who is a public prosecutor?
Q-5 Answer the following questions:
1. What are the important functions of the Police?
2. What is the importance of FIR?
3. What is the role of a Public Prosecutor?
4. What are the Supreme Courts directions on the FIR?
Chapter-13   Social Justice and the Marginalised
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. The _____________Commission was concerned with the welfare of the Backward classes.
2. Weaker sections of the society who lives in tribal areas are called ________
3. The population of SCs according to 2001 census is ______
4. About 15% of the jobs under the government are reserved for the _______
5. Weaker sections of the society other than scheduled castes or scheduled tribes are called __________
Q-2 State True or False:
1. The scheduled castes population in concentrated in Uttar Pradesh only.
2. 27% of the seats under the government has been reseNed for the scheduled tribes.
3. Articles 29 and 30 deals with safeguarding the rights of the minorities
4. According to 2001 census the percentage of scheduled tribes was 84.3%.
5. The Constitution of India makes untouchability an offence
Q-3 Match the following:
Q-4 Answer the following questions in short:
1. What are the marginalized groups?
2. Who are scheduled tribes?
3. What was the population of scheduled castes according to 2001 census?
4. Define untouchability.
Q-5 Answer the following question in detail:
1. Explain the meaning of Social and Economic Justice?
2. Mention some of the Constitutional Provisions relating to SCs and STs?
3. What measures have been taken by the Government to promote the backward classes of the society.
4. What are the different forms of untouchability?
5. What steps have been taken by the government to eradicate untouchability?
Chapter-14   Economic Presence of the Government
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
1. _________serves many purposes at one and the same time.
2. Self employment was provided under the ___________yojna.
3._________ Scheme include Integrated Rural Development Programme.
4.______________ Plans are there for the economic development of the country.
Q-2 Match the following:
Q-3 State if the sentences are True or False:
1. Upto 2007 the Planning Commission has developed eleven five year plans.
2. Jawahar Gram Samridhi Vojna aimed at providing self-employment to the rural people.
3. Employment Assurance Scheme was launched in 2002-03.
4. Planning Commission was formed after the __________. 
Q-4 Answer the following:
1. Why was there a need to set up the Planning Commission?
2. Define Planning Commission?
3. What steps have been taken by the government to improve the condition of the Indian agriculture?
4. Mention some of the programmes started by the government to reduce poverty in our country?
5. What efforts have been made by the government to reduce unemployment?