Question bank
Chapter-1 Our Motherland
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) Where is India situated?
(2) Name the neighbouring countries of India .
(3) What is the geographical size and shape of India?
(4) What are the five physical divisions of India?
Q-2 Fill in the blanks:
(1) India lies in the __________________ part of Asia.
(2) India is the __________________ largest country of the world.
(3) India is the ____________________ most populous country of the world.
(4) India is bounded by ____________ in the north and by ____________ in the south.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The number of states that India has
29Q-2 The number of physical divisions into which India is divided on the basis of physical features
sevenChapter-2 The Northern Mountains
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) Where are the Himalayas located?
(2) Name the four ranges of the Himalayas.
(3) What is the extent of the Himalayas?
(4) Name the rivers originating from the Himalayas.
Q-2 Answer the following questions :
(1) Give four advantages of the Himalayas.
(2) How do the Himalayas influence the climate of India?
(3) Name four peaks of the Himalayas. Which is the highest mountain peak in India?
(4) Describe the branches of the Himalayas in the eastern part of India.
Q-3 Fill up the blanks choosing the correct words given in the brackets:
(1) The Himalayas are_______in the east and________ in the west.(broader, narrower)
(2) _____________ was the first Indian woman to have climbed Mt. Everest. (Bachendri Pal, Santosh Yadav)
(3) The highest peak of the Himalayas in India is _________________ . (Mount Everest, K2, Kanchenjunga)
(4) The southern most Himalayan range is called_________________________ . (Greater Himalayas, Shiwalik Range)
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The Himalayan rivers combined drainage basin is home to
3 billion people(ii)
half of the Earth's population(iii)
4 billion people(iv)
one third of the Earth's populationQ-2 The main Himalayan rivers are
The Ganga(ii)
The Red river(iii)
The Tarim river(iv)
All of theseQ-3 Mount Everest lies in
PakistanChapter-3 The Northern Plains
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) Name the three principal rivers of the Northern Plains.
(2) Why are the Northern Plains fertile?
(3) What is a delta?
(4) Name the two rivers, which together make the largest delta in the world
Q-2 Answer the following questions:
(1) How do the rivers of the Northern Plains make the land fertile?
(2) Why are the Northern Plains thickly populated?
(3) What is the importance of the Northern Plains?
Q-3 Fill up the blanks with the suitable words given in the brackets:
(1) The Northern Plains lie to the ______________ of the Northern Mountains. (north, south)
(2) Punjab and Haryana are the two major states of the _____________ Basin. (Sutlej, Brahmaputra)
(3) ___________glacier is the source of the river Ganga . (Gangotri, Siachen)
(4) Soft and fertile soil deposited by a river is called ___________ . (alluvium, sediment)
(5) The ___________ is the main tributary of the Sutlej river. (Ravi, Beas)
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The Northern Plains are also known as
Indo-Gangetic Plains(ii)
Sutlej Plains(iii)
Northern Indian Plains(iv)
Western PlainsQ-2 Bhakra Nangal Dam is situated in the
Indus basin(ii)
Sutlej basin(iii)
Ganga basin(iv)
Brahmaputra basinQ-3 The Ganga Action Plan is about
using the Ganga water for irrigation.(ii)
cleaning the Ganga river.(iii)
reducing industrial waste in Ganga river.(iv)
making canals from the Ganga river.Chapter-4 Types of Soils
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) What is soil? How is it formed ?
(2) Name the major types of soils in India.
Q-2 Answer the following questions :
(1) What is soil erosion? How is it caused ?
(2) Describe the different methods of soil conservation.
Q-3 Fill up the blanks with the suitable words given in the brackets:
(1) ___________ are inexhaustible resources. (Sunshine and water/Water and forests)
(2) _______________ does not retain much water and dries up quickly. (Sandy soil/Clayey soil)
(3) The Northern Plains have mostly ____________ soils. (alluvial / laterite)
(4) Black soils are formed from ____________ rocks. (lava / hilly)
Q-4 Write True or False against each statement:
(1) Desert soils are mostly made of clay.
(2) Rice grows well on laterite soil.
(3) Felling of trees is not linked with soil erosion.
(4) Alluvial soils are ideal for growing food grains.
(5) Laterite soil is easily leached.
(6) Fruit crops grow well on alluvial soils.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Indian soils have been divided into
six groups(ii)
eight groups(iii)
four groupsQ-2 Soil formed by the deposition of silt transported by the rivers is called
black soil(ii)
alluvial soil(iii)
red soilQ-3 These soils are mainly formed due to the decomposition of ancient rocks
red soils(ii)
laterite soils(iii)
black soilsQ-4 These soils are very good for growing tea, coffee, rubber and coconut
arid and desert soils(ii)
forest and mountainous soils(iii)
laterite soilsChapter-5 Our Forests and Wildlife
Q-1 Answer the following questions:
(1) What is natural vegetation ?
(2) Write down four important uses of forests.
(3) How many types of forests are there in India? Name them.
(4) What is Vanamahotsava ? When is it celebrated?
Q-2 Match the two columns :

Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The forests that grow in the areas where annual rainfall is more than 200 cm are called
Deciduous forests(ii)
Evergreen forests(iii)
Mangrove forestsQ-2 The forests that grow along the coast and on the edges of the deltas are called
Mangrove forests(ii)
Deciduous forests(iii)
Mountainous forestsQ-3 Sal, teak, bamboo and cane grow in
Tidal forests(ii)
Mountainous forests(iii)
Dry Deciduous forestsChapter-6 Our Water Resources
Q-1 Answer the following questions:
(1) Why is water necessary for life ?
(2) Why is irrigation needed in many parts of India ?
(3) Give five examples of multi-purpose river valley projects
(4) Why did the environmentalists protest against the construction of the Narmada Dam and the Tehri Dam ?
(5) How is water useful in our daily life?
(6) Name the water resources of India.
Q-2 Match the two columns:

Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The country estimated to have the largest supply of fresh water is
AustraliaQ-2 The largest category of water use in the world is
irrigationQ-3 The management of water resources in India is under the purview of
Ministry of Water Resources(ii)
UNChapter-7 Our Mineral Resources
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) What are minerals?
(2) What is an ore?
(3) Name the areas producing coal
(4) Name the main oil producing states and areas in our country.
Q-2 Answer the following questions :
(1) Why is iron the most important mineral?
(2) Why is the conservation of minerals essential?
(3) Write three alternatives to coal and petroleum.
Q-3 Match the following columns:

Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The mineral that is known as a fossil fuel is
GoldQ-2 Iron ores are found in the following states
Madhya Pradesh(iv)
All of theseQ-3 Prior to Independence we had steel plants at
KanpurChapter-8 Means of Transport
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) Name the three major means of transport.
(2) Which is the cheapest means of transport? Why?
Q-2 Answer the following questions :
(1) What is the difference between a state highway and a national highway?
(2) Describe water transport.
(3) What is the importance of road transport.
Q-3 Write True or False against each statement:
(1) The first railway line was laid in India in 1753.
(2) Kutcha roads connect villages to towns.
(3) India has the largest railway network in the world.
(4) National highways connect the state capitals.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Kutcha roads are
highwaysQ-2 ......................... transport oil from one country to another.
Oil tankersQ-3 State, capitals and important cities are connected by
state highways(iii)
national highwaysChapter-9 People of the Northern Mountains
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) What are the three regions covered by the state of Jammu and Kashmir?
(2) Name the states which are known as ‘seven sisters of the north-east’.
(3) Name two hill stations and two famous valleys in Himachal Pradesh.
Q-2 Answer the following questions :
(1) What are the occupations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir?
(2) What do you know about Sikkim?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 A person of Kashmir stay warm with the help of a
KhaddarQ-2 ______________ is renowned for its remote mountain our beauty and Buddhist culture
Little Tibet(iii)
ChinaQ-3 The famous tourist places of Jammu and Kashmir are
All of theseQ-4 The famous tourist place of Himachal Pradesh is
LahaulChapter-10 People of the Northern Plains
Q-1 Choose the correct option :
(1) Lucknow is situated on the banks of the _________ river.(Gomti / Ghaghra)
(2) Giddha is a popular dance performed by the __________ of Punjab.(men, women)
(3) Bihu is a folk dance of ___________ .(Assam / Tripura)
(4) Chhath is a popular festival in ____________ . (Bihar / West Bengal)
(5) Buddha got enlightenment in _____________ . (Bodh Gaya / Sarnath)
Q-2 Write short answers :
(1) Name the rivers that flow through Punjab.
(2) Name the rivers that flow through Uttar Pradesh.
Q-3 Answer the following questions :
(1) Describe the life of the people of Punjab.
(2) Where are Bhangra and Giddha dances popular ?
(3) Compare the dresses of the Punjab with those of the West Bengal.
Chapter-11 People of the Western Coastal Plains and the Lakshadweep Islands
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) Name the major states included in the Western Coastal plains.
(2) What is Goa famous for ?
(3) What is Gujarat coast famous for ?
(4) Name the two important dances of Kerala.
Q-2 Answer the following questions :
(1) Describe the lifestyle in Western Coastal Plains of India.
(2) What do you know about Goa, Daman and Diu?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The capital of Gujarat is
VadodaraQ-2 The capital of Kerala is
KottayamQ-3 Which of these is called 'a tourist paradise'?
MumbaiQ-4 The Lakshadweep islands are a group of about ___________ islands.
300Chapter-12 Religions, Languages, Festivals and Customs
Q-1 Write short answers :
(1) Name four major religions
(2) Which is the holy book of the Sikhs?
(3) Where was Jesus Christ born?
Q-2 Answer the following questions :
(1) How can you say 'India is a diverse country'?
(2) What do you know about Buddhism?
(3) What do you know about the customs of India?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Which is the holy book of the Hindus ?
Zend Avesta(ii)
Bhagwad Gita(iii)
QuranQ-2 Judaism is practised by
JewsQ-3 How many languages are officially adopted by the Constitution of India?