Question bank
Chapter-1 Beautiful Nature
Q-1 correct names
Q-2 Fill in the blanks:
1. The _________ is found only in the mountainous regions of central China.
2. A ______________ is the only mammal which can fly.
3. A __________ is a mammal that lays eggs.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 A cluster of bananas is called a ________.
footQ-2 Caffeine serves the function of a _________ in a coffee plant.
none of theseQ-3 ________ use their tails to balance.
CamelsQ-4 The slowest fish is the _________.
none of theseQ-5 Seahorse moves along at about ________ mph.
0.02Chapter-2 Our Motherland
Q-1 Match the following:
Q-2 Match the following:
Q-3 In which fields are the following people famous
Q-4 name the cities where you can find these gardens
Chapter-3 Sports & Entertainment
Q-1 Match the following:
Q-2 write the names
Q-3 Name the following
Q-4 Write the correct names of track and field events given
Chapter-4 Words and Books
Q-1 fill in the blanks
1. NEON : ................. of you was present there.
2. MELON : ................. is rich in vitamin C
3. YAM : I was born in the month of ................. .
4. MANILA : The cheetah is the fastest .................of four legs.
5. MOPE : She wrote a nice ................. .
Q-2 write the names of the authors of these books.
Q-3 Write the sound word in the blank below each picture
Chapter-5 Science & Technology
Q-1 Match the following:
Q-2 Match the following:
Chapter-6 Go Global
Q-1 Match the following:
Q-2 Write the new names for the following old namse.
1. South-West Africa
2. Ceylon
3. Persia
4. Gold Coast
5. Mesopotamia
6. Burma
Q-3 Fill in the blanks:
1. A continuous period of low rainfall that leads to a shortage of water is called a ______________
2. A_____________ is a mountain or hill that has an opening on the top and erupts because of escessive heat and preasser
3. A fire that spreads quickly throught a forest and destroys it is called a____________
4. A___________ is the overflow of water from a water body.
Q-4 Name the buildings.
Chapter-8 Play Based Learning (NEP-2020)
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
(a) 3, 9, 27, ______, 243
(b) 123, 234, 345, ________
(c) Triangle, rectangle, pentagon, __________
(d) 5, 10, 20, ____, 80