Question bank

Chapter-1   Plant Life: The Leaf
Q-1 Match the following:
Q-2 State True or False for the following statements and correct the wrong statements.
(1) The fruit is present on the root system.
(2) Roots of a plant are positively geotropic.
(3) In fibrous roots there is one main thick root.
(4) Venation in sugarcane is of reticulate type.
(5) Stomata helps in exchange of gases in plants.
(6) The part of the leaf that conducts water is its apex.
(7) The opposite arrangement of leaves is always in pairs
(8) In whorled arrangement of leaves only one leaf grows from a node.
(9) The axil of leaflets do not have buds.
(10) Leaves are modified to tendrils as they help the plant in climbing
Q-3 Fill in the blanks:
(1) The root hairs increase the area of _______________.
(2) The evaporative loss of water as vapour through the leaves is called __________.
(3) The arrangement of veins in a leaf is called _______________.
(4) The flat, expanded part of leaf is known as _______________.
(5) The roots of plants are naturally _______________.
(6) A sessile leaf has _______________.
(7) In simple leaves the lamina is_______________
(8) The spines found on cactus are modified_______________.
(9) The point of the stem from where a leaf arises is_______________.
(10) Bamboo leaves show _______________ venation.
Q-4 Short answer type questions
(1) What is a simple leaf ?
(2) What is an axillary bud?
(3) What is transpiration in plants?
(4) Where would you find a rachis?
(5) Why are plants called autotrophs?
(6) Give one difference between tap root and fibrous root
(7) . In photosynthesis what is the source of energy?
(8) . What prompts insects to visit pitcher plants?
(9) What kind of gas exchange happens when plants respire?
(10) What are scale-leaves?
Q-5 Long Answer Type Questions:
(1) Draw a leaf. Label its parts and write its functions
(2) Give the differences between tap root and fibrous root systems.
(3) What happens in photosynthesis? Explain
(4) How can we differentiate between simple and compound leaves?
(5) What is phyllotaxis? Explain its types.
(6) What are the functions of leaves?
(7) Explain vegetative propagation in Bryophyllum
(8) What are the effects of transpiration in plants?
(9) What kind of modifications are seen in leaves; explain any one.
(10) Why do plants have to eat insects? How do they do it?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The part of plant which helps in conduction of water and minerals is –









Q-2 Leaves may be borne on a stalk called–








Q-3 The midrib of a leaf branches into–






veins and veinlets


Q-4 Which of the following is correct for roots?


Negatively hydrotropic


Positively phototropic


Negatively geotropic


Positively hydrotropic

Q-5 A gas released during photosynthesis is–


water vapour


carbon dioxide




Q-6 A plant that traps insects and digests it is–








Q-7 In a compound leaf the leaflets are attached to–







Q-8 Which of the following statements is correct for alternate type of arrangement of leaves?


Two leaves arise at each node. The next pair of leaves is at right angles


More than two leaves arise at each node and the leaves are arranged in alternate fashion.


One leaf arises from a node and the next leaf grows from the next node in the same direction


Only one leaf arises from a node and the next leaf grows from the successive node in the opposite direction.

Q-9 Which of the following statements is true for exchange of gases in plants?


In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is released as a by-product.


In transpiration, oxygen is released by the stomata of plants.


Plants also breathe in oxygen like other living things.


Plants always take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen
Q-10 Which of the following statements is correct about vegetative reproduction?


All vegetables propagate by vegetative reproduction.


Some plants grow by vegetative reproduction by their leaves.


All plants grow by vegetative reproduction


Plants which grow by vegetative reproduction do not have roots.
Chapter-2   Plant Life: The Flower
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
(1) Epicarp is a part of a ______________ .
(2) In germination of seed the radicle develops to become ______________
(3) In a fruit the fertilized ovules make ______________ .
(4) Cotyledons are also called ______________ .
(5) Dicot seeds have ______________ cotyledons.
(6) VIn epigeal germination, the cotyledons are pushed ______________ .
(7) An example of a false fruit is ______________ .
(8) The ideal temperature for seed germination is ______________ .
(9) The ovary develops to become a ______________ .
(10) A flower with both androecium and gynoecium is called ______________ .
Q-2 State True or False for the following and correct the wrong statements.
(1) The floral whorls in a flower are seated on the anther.
(2) Flower is the reproductive part of a plant
(3) Vallisneria is generally wind pollinated.
(4) Water enters the seeds through micropyle.
(5) An example of a monocot seed is maize.
(6) Oxygen is not necessary for seed germination.
(7) In fleshy fruits the endocarp is always soft and fleshy.
(8) Endosperm provides food to the developing seedling.
(9) In aquatic plants the flowers are exposed to the wind. Hence they are wind pollinated.
(10) Self-pollination is always within a flower
Q-3 Short answer type questions
(1) Which are the reproductive whorls in a flower?
(2) What are the functions of calyx?
(3) How do white flowers attract insects?
(4) Why do wind pollinated flowers produce large quantities of pollen grains?
(5) Give one difference between dry fruit and fleshy fruit.
(6) Why some flowers have colourful corolla?
(7) What are the parts of a carpel?
(8) Differentiate between epigeal and hypogeal germination.
(9) In a dry fruit what is the function of pericarp?
(10) In photosynthesis plants use carbon dioxide. Why do the seeds need oxygen for germination?
Q-4 Long answer type questions
(1) Draw a labelled diagram of flower with its four whorls.
(2) Explain the process of pollination by an insect.
(3) Differentiate between self and cross pollination.
(4) What are agents of pollination? Explain any one in detail.
(5) . How does germination happen? Explain with an example.
(6) How does pollination happen in submerged aquatic plants?
(7) How does fertilization leads to the development of a fruit?
(8) What are the functions of a fruit?
(9) Draw a labelled diagram of a dicot seed.
(10) What are the conditions necessary for germination of seeds?

Match the following

Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower of the same species is called–









Q-2 Which of the following is called a false fruit?








Green pea
Q-3 The outermost whorl of a flower consists–








Q-4 Which of the following sentences describe a complete flower?


They are very colorful and attractive.


They have calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.


They are pollinated by only insects


They are never pollinated by insects
Q-5 In a flower pollen grains are produced in–









Q-6 In a wind pollinated flower–


petals would be very colourful


the flower will have strong smell


pollen grain is produced in large quantities


nectar is secreted
Q-7 Which of the following plant is mostly wind pollinated?








Q-8 In seed germination the roots develop from–








Q-9 In dry fruits the edible part for humans is –


the mesocarp


the seed


the pericarp


the endocarp
Chapter-3   Cell: The Basic Unit of Life
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(1) The first “cell” seen by Robert Hooke under the microscope was of ________
(2) A compound microscope has two set of lenses eye piece and __________
(3) The bi-concave shape of RBC facilitates __________
(4) The largest egg ever laid belonged to __________
(5) A cell organelle that may contain a pigment is __________
(6) Leucoplast is a kind of __________
(7) The cell wall is __________ permeable
(8) The cell membrane is __________ permeable
(9) A membranous sac like organelle that contain digestive enzymes is ________
(10) A plastid that stores food is known as __________
Q-2 Match the cell structures with their functions:
Q-3 State True or False for the following and correct the false statements.
(1) Most cells arise from pre-existing cells.
(2) Germs are destroyed in the cell by lysosomes.
(3) Life span of unicellular organism is usually very long.
(4) Spirogyra have filamentous shape.
(5) A sack like structure called suicide bags is actually the nucleus.
(6) Nucleus is called the brain of the cell
(7) A cell is the smallest functional unit of life.
(8) The nucleus in animal cells is usually centrally located
(9) The cytoplasm in plant cells is much denser.
(10) Onion peel cells is rectangular in shape.
Q-4 Short answer type questions
(1) What is protoplasm?
(2) Name two unicellular organisms.
(3) . What are the functions of the cell membrane?
(4) How are the shapes of RBC and WBC different?
(5) What are chromatin?
(6) . What are the functions of the cell wall?
(7) Name the scientists who first proposed the “cell theory”.
(8) How is the shape of Amoeba different from that of Spirogyra?
(9) Describe the structure of nucleus
(10) How are the vacuoles in animal and plant cell different?
Q-5 Long answer type questions
(1) How can we differentiate between unicellular and multicellular organisms?
(2) What is the cell theory?
(3) Draw a labelled diagram of a plant cell.
(4) How will you differentiate between a plant cell and an animal cell?
(5) How can you prove that cells are functional units of life?
(6) How do plants benefit from having a cell wall in their cells?
(7) If you are watching a slide under a microscope; how will you identify– (i) slide of an onion peel (ii) slide of cheek cells
(8) How can we differentiate between cell membrane and cell wall?
(9) Why are cells considered the basic structural units of all living organisms? Explain.
(10) Write a note on the cellular structures that are common to both plant and animal cells.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The protective outer covering of plant cells is–


cell membrane


cytoplasm wall


cell wall


golgi apparatus
Q-2 The shape of smooth muscle cells are best describes as–




spindle shaped


ribbon like


hammer shaped
Q-3 The finger like projections in Amoeba is called–


Long fingers






Q-4 The cell-membrane is–


porous membrane


selectively permeable


freely permeable


Q-5 The hereditary material present in the nucleus is–









Q-6 Which of the following is absent inside the nucleus–








Q-7 Respiration happens in–


through the nose


in animal cells


in every living cell


in plant cells
Q-8 A cell–organelle that helps to maintain fluid pressure in the cell is–








cell membrane
Q-9 A plastid responsible for photosynthesis is called–








all of the above
Q-10 Vacuoles are present in–


plant cells only


animal cells only


in both plant and animal cells


neither plant nor animal cells
Chapter-4   Human Body: The Digestive System
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
(1) A non-nutrient component of food is ______________
(2) The tip and the sides of the tongue have ______________ taste buds
(3) Digestion of food begins in the ______________.
(4) No digestion takes place in the ______________.
(5) There are mainly ______________ pairs of salivary glands.
(6) The hardest substance in our body is ______________
(7) Fats are broken down into ______________ and ______________
(8) One of the function of large intestine is ______________
(9) . Both pepsin and trypsin act on ______________.
(10) Eating fastfood and too much of spicy food can lead to ______________.
Q-2 Match the following:
Q-3 State True or False for the following and correct the wrong statements
(1) An acid that is secreted in human body is saliva.
(2) Incisors are used for biting food
(3) . The layer below the dentine is called enamel.
(4) . Digestion of proteins begin in the small intestine.
(5) . The character of chyme that enters the duodenum is acidic.
(6) Peristalsis starts in the oesophagus.
(7) The concentration of villi is greatest in the large intestine.
(8) The final product of fat digestion is peptides.
(9) Absorption of minerals begins in the mouth
(10) A balanced diet will have equal amount of all the nutrients.
Q-4 Short answer type questions
(1) Name two differences between milk teeth and permanent teeth.
(2) What is plaque?
(3) Name the glands associated with human digestion.
(4) What is chyme?
(5) What is emulsification?
(6) What are the regions of the small intestine called?
(7) What is the role of large intestine in digestion?
(8) What are the parts of the large intestine?
(9) What happens when we eat excessive amount of sugary products?
(10) What do you understand by assimilation?
Q-5 Long answer type questions
(1) Explain the role of different types of teeth in humans.
(2) Describe the human alimentary canal in brief
(3) What are the functions of the gastric juice secreted in the stomach?
(4) Name the digestive juice secreted by the pancreas. What are its functions?
(5) What are functions of the three regions of the small intestine?
(6) What are enzymes? How do they function?
(7) What are end products of digestion?
(8) What are the functions of enzymes secreted by the small intestine?
(9) Explain the process of absorption of nutrients and their assimilation.
(10) What is a balanced diet? Why there isn’t a standard balanced diet for everyone?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Which of the following is not a digestive gland?




Salivary gland





Q-2 Which of the following is correct for human teeth?


Of the 32, temporary teeth only half of them are shed.


There is one canine teeth in each jaw.


The tooth enamel, gets nutrition from blood vessels.


There are four incisors in each jaw.

Q-3 . Which of the following is a micronutrient?








Q-4 Actually the wisdom teeth are –









Q-5 When food is being swallowed the epiglottis covers the –






both food pipe and wind pipe


neither foodpipe or windpipe
Q-6 Bile is poured in the alimentary canal at –








Q-7 Which of the following is not part of the gastric juice?


Hydrochloric acid







Q-8 Which of the following statements is correct about villi?


They secrete protein digesting enzymes.


They secrete fat emulsifying enzymes


They reduce the surface area of absorption of the small intestine.


They are responsible for absorption of digested nutrients.

Q-9 Beneficial bacterial action happens in the alimentary canal in the –




large intestine


gall bladder


small intestine
Q-10 . Which of the following is not a function of liver?


Converts the excess glucose to glycogen


Converts excess proteins to urea for elimination.


Helps in the absorption of water.


Detoxifies preservatives in food and medicines.
Chapter-5   Human Body: The Respiratory System
Q-1 Fill in the Blanks:
(1) After running the rate of breathing ______________
(2) The pigment in RBC, is called ______________
(3) The exhaled air has more of ______________
(4) In the process of fermentation, ______________ is produced
(5) The right lung is ______________ lobed
(6) The membranes that protect the lungs are ______________
(7) In muscles ______________ is formed because of anaerobic respiration
(8) In inhalation the diaphragm moves ______________
(9) Exhaled air has ______________ percent carbon dioxide
(10) Complete the equation Glucose + Oxygen → ________+_________ + more energy
Q-2 State True or False for the following and correct the wrong statements.
(1) Carbon dioxide, water and energy is produced in aerobic respiration.
(2) In the nose the air gets cooled.
(3) The exhaled air is 100% carbon dioxide
(4) Alveoli is supported by cartilaginous rings.
(5) Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease
(6) Carbon dioxide diffuses from blood to the alveoli.
(7) In inhalation the intercostal muscles contract
Q-3 Match the following:
Q-4 Short answer type questions
(1) What is respiration?
(2) What event happens at the alveolus?
(3) What happens to the inhaled air before entering the trachea?
(4) What is the role of epiglottis in breathing?
(5) What is the role of epiglottis in breathing?
(6) What is the function of diaphragm?
(7) What are the functions of the nasal chamber?
Q-5 Long answer type questions
(1) Why is respiration called a biochemical process?
(2) What are the mechanisms involved in, inhalation and exhalation?
(3) What are the differences between breathing and respiration?
(4) How does exchange of gases take place in an alveolus?
(5) What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Explain by giving ‘word equation’.
(6) Describe the structure of lungs in brief
(7) How can we prove that exhaled air has more carbon dioxide content?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 What is a balanced diet? Why there isn’t a standard balanced diet for everyone?


trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli


trachea, larynx, bronchioles, bronchi, alveoli


) larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli


larynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi, alveoli
Q-2 The scientific name for the voice box is–






vocal fold



Q-3 The scientific name for the windpipe is–








Q-4 Which of the following is not produced in aerobic respiration?




carbon dioxide


lactic acid


Q-5 Which of the following is not true about breathing?


It is a physical process.


It consumes energy


It involves the diaphragm.


It releases energy

Q-6 The exhaled air has


21% oxygen


100 % oxygen


0.04 % oxygen


16% oxygen

Q-7 Intercostal muscles can be found–


between the alveoli


in the diaphragm


in the trachea


between the ribs

Q-8 Where can we find the larynx?


Above the epiglottis


In the alveolus


Below the diaphragm


Below the epiglottis

Q-9 Which of the following is not true for exhalation?


Diaphram relaxes and moves up (towards the lungs) and becomes like a dome.


Intercostal muscles relax, so the ribs move inwards.


Volume of chest cavity decreases, the lungs contract and there is a rise in air pressure inside the lungs.


Because of low pressure air from the lungs is forced out

Chapter-6   Human Body: The Circulatory System
Q-1 Fill in the blanks:
(1) The microscopic blood vessels are called ______________
(2) A place where we can feel the pulse is ______________
(3) . A disease in which platelet level falls drastically _____________
(4) The blood in the veins has ______________ oxygen.
(5) . All arteries except ______________ carry oxygenated blood
(6) The normal blood pressure is taken as ______________
(7) The colour of the plasma is ______________
Q-2 Match the following:
Q-3 State True or False for the following and correct the wrong statements.
(1) The WBCs, has haemoglobin that is an oxygen carrier.
(2) The RBCs are biconcave and are rich in iron
(3) The heartbeat increases when we rest after exercising
(4) The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood.
(5) The capillaries join two arteries.
(6) The normal pulse rate for a person is 150 per minute.
(7) Regular consumption of fat rich food is bad for the heart
Q-4 Short answer type questions
(1) Name the four chambers of the human heart.
(2) What are the main components of blood?
(3) Why is blood an important medium of transport?
(4) What are functions of the WBCs?
(5) Where are the blood cells made?
(6) Where do we find the pulmonary artery?
(7) Where are the semilunar valves located?
Q-5 Long answer type questions
(1) Describe the internal structure of the heart
(2) 2. Describe in brief the movement of blood through the heart
(3) How can we differentiate between veins and arteries?
(4) What is plasma and how is it different from blood?
(5) Enumerate the functions of blood.
(6) What are blood groups; explain.
(7) Write a note on various valves in the circulatory system
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 The blood cells that are a part of the bodies defence mechanism are–








all of these
Q-2 The blood is red because of–


the haemoglobin in the RBCs


the plasma component of the blood


bleeding of the germs in the body


the clotting effect of platelets
Q-3 The blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart is–






pulmonary vein


both (a) and (c)

Q-4 The major constituent of RBC is –








Q-5 The blood group of a person who has antigen A and B, on the RBC will be


blood group A


blood group B


blood group AB


blood group O
Q-6 The pulse represents –


The pressure blood puts on the veins.


The shutting down of the valves inside the heart


The volume of blood in the body.


The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the ventricle.

Q-7 The heart is divided into left and right half by –


the valves


the atria


the ventricles


the septum

Chapter-7   Health and Hygiene
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(1) In managing contagious diseases ____________ is better than cure
(2) Improper disposal of sewage waste can lead to ____________ diseases.
(3) A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing is called ____________.
(4) Combing hair regularly is a part of ____________ hygiene
(5) The food group at the top of the food-pyramid is ____________.
(6) Bio-degradable waste should be disposed in the ____________ waste bin.
(7) A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin A is ____________
Q-2 Match the following:
Q-3 State True or false for the following and correct the wrong statements
(1) In biology vectors are carriers of pathogens.
(2) Common cold is a vector borne disease.
(3) Exercise and rest can prevent a non-communicable disease
(4) Goitre is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D.
(5) Hand washing can prevent many communicable diseases
(6) Airborne infections travel longer distances than droplets.
(7) Smallpox has been eradicated because of vaccination
Q-4 Short answer type questions
(1) How do we define health?
(2) What is a pathogen?
(3) Why sewage must be treated before release into water bodies?
(4) 4. Name two mineral deficiency diseases.
(5) What is a food pyramid?
(6) Name three diseases caused by bacterial infection
(7) . What is anaemia?
Q-5 Long answer type questions
(1) Why should we use a mask if people have flu in the neighbourhood?
(2) Name three features of personal and community hygiene.
(3) What measures can we take to prevent communicable diseases?
(4) How are vectors related with pathogens? Explain with an example
(5) How can we differentiate between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus?
(6) What are communicable diseases? How are they different from deficiency diseases?
(7) What are communicable diseases? How are they different from deficiency diseases? 7. What are the different modes of transfer of communicable diseases?
Multiple Choice Questions
Q-1 Non-communicable diseases can be caused by–






metabolic disorders


Q-2 Chances of spread of communicable diseases is more–


when general hygiene is very well maintained


in a dirty neighbourhood.


when vaccination schedule is maintained.


when the infected person is isolated
Q-3 Scurvy is caused by–


lack of physical activity.


excess amount of fat in the diet.


lack of vitamin C, in the diet.


a pigment called bilirubin in the blood.
Q-4 Malaria spreads by–


contaminated water


contact with a sick person


by the bite of a mosquito


eating very fatty food
Q-5 Which of the following disease spreads by droplet infection?









Q-6 Which of the following is a deficiency disease?








Q-7 The organ affected by conjunctivitis is–








salivary glands
Chapter-8   Habitats and Adaptations
Q-1 Fill in the blanks
(1) Penguins have ____________ bones
(2) Fish breathe ____________ oxygen from water.
(3) Swim bladder is found in ____________.
(4) In cactus, photosynthesis happens in ____________.
(5) An example of aerial plants is ____________
(6) Water lily have ____________ leaf
(7) Camels have ____________ feet.
Q-2 Match the Columns:
Q-3 State True or false for the following and correct the wrong statements.
(1) A desert plant in the garden needs very little watering
(2) In aquatic plants the leaves are modified to spines.
(3) When fish respire through gills because water enters through the gills.
(4) Leaves of both cactus and pines are similar.
(5) Flight muscles are found in all fish.
(6) Feet of mountain goats have wide toes
(7) Cactus plants also do photosynthesis during the night.
Q-4 Short answer type questions
(1) What is an aquatic habitat?
(2) State one function of scales in fish
(3) whhy sand does not get in to the eyes of camels?
(4) What is mountain habitat?
(5) Where can we find aerenchyma tissues?
(6) How is the stalk of a water lily flower made?
(7) Name two adaptations of pine trees
Q-5 Long answer type questions:
(1) What is a habitat? Explain with any two examples.
(2) Define adaptation with an example
(3) How can we say that fish are very well adapted to aquatic habitat?
(4) 4. How do camels conserve water in desert habitat?
(5) How is the Hydrilla plant adapted for its habitat?
(6) . How is a submerged aquatic plant different from a floating aquatic plant?
(7) How do desert plants conserve water?
Multiple Choice Questions

1. Water bodies such as ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans are examples of


(a) Aquatics habitat


(b) Aerial habitat


(c) Coastal habitat


(d) Mountain habitat


2. Annual rainfall received in desert habitat is about


(a) 25 cm of less


(b) 125 cm or less


(c) More than 50 cm


(d) No rain


3. Which of the following organism do not belong to the aerial habitat?


(a) Pigeons


(b) Orchids


(c) Fish


(d) Butterfiles


4. Water hyacinth is


(a) A mountain plant


(b) An aquatic plant


(c) A desert plant


(d) A submerged plant


5. The body of fish can be described as:


(a) Conical


(b) Broad based


(c) Streamlined


(d) Well built


6. In cactus plant the leaves are modified as:


(a) Flowers


(b) Bracts


(c) Spines


(d) Stem


7. Cone bearning trees are found in


(a) Aquatic habitat


(b) Desert habitat


(c) Aerial habitat


(d) Mountain habitat